I finally, finally published my first book!
Initially, I just wanted to write down my thoughts and feelings. When my husband died in a car accident, I suddenly lost that one person I could talk to without limitations, the one person who would listen to me regardless of time or topic. Without him, there was no one to talk to the way I could talk to him. So, I turned to writing. I poured my grief and my pain on my keyboard. At the start, they were just angry ramblings, curses to the people who did not care enough, cries of despair and pain to the Almighty who I thought had forgotten me. As time went by, when I was already physically and emotionally exhausted, my writings started to turn into pleas for help. I wanted to move forward but I did not have the courage nor the strength to do so.
As rainbows started showing up again, I realized that must be a sign for me to start looking at how to continue with my life without my husband, raising my two young sons on my own. I kept on writing down my thoughts. I realized that my thoughts became more hopeful and more determined to live again.
From these writings, I started to develop the concept for a book. I have always wanted to write a book and I have tried, I swear, but I could not finish anything. I could not make up my mind on how to put together my thoughts. I always get stuck in the middle of my writing. However, this new concept was different. I had been trough so much in life that I thought there must be things I can share with other people, there must be words that I can tell them to help them feel better or just let them know that they are not alone. I started putting together my writings that seem to form one coherent thought. Then, I realized I could make an alphabet out of my experiences. So, I started organizing my thoughts under the letters of the alphabet. Each letter represented an experience, a lesson, a thought, an idea, or an inspiration.
And this book is the final product. This is a collection of things that make this life a little bit better, of thoughts to push you forward when your feet feel tired, and of opportunities to do reflection. I hope you will enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed putting it together. This life is not perfect, but we can always make it better - for us and for the people that we love. Happy reading!
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